Our interactive plat map provides all the information you need about The Trails at Stone Hill development. To identify which lots are available or sold, click the icons on the map. You can also see specific details for each lot including lot information and pricing.
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Extra Wide Front
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Extra Wide Front
Corner Lot
Corner Lot
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Extra Wide Front
Corner Lot
Back's up to the Trails
Back's up to the Trails
Extra Wide Front
Corner Lot
Extra Wide Front
Corner Lot
Extra Wide Front